Italo Sandrini

Italo Sandrini


Lawyer and Supreme Court Barrister, civil lawyer, president at provincial level of an association for social advancement, furthermore he holds a National Position.
He has gained extensive experience in the commercial and judicial fields, in particular in interim and preventive verification measures, as well as in the field of arbitration.
Still involved in insolvency and responsibility actions, he collaborates with several commercial law firms and insolvency practioners. He also collaborates with work appraisal offices, experts in insurance consultancy and in the recovery of damages for exceptional events. He has experience in drafting and consultancy in contracts.

He is the provincial and national reporting member of an important social advancement body and has been involved for some years in the reform of the service sector, operating and participating in numerous meetings at Ministerial level and in congresses at National level. He has also participated in the drafting and signing of agreements with competent Ministries. He maintains frequent contacts with Ministerial officers, in order to innovate sectors that require urgent interventions to adapt national legislation to that of the European Community.
He also has contacts with regional and municipal councillors, again regarding matters relating to the service sector.

He has obtained an academic diploma to teach theology, at the theological faculty of Triveneto and for this reason participates as an expert in various organisations at diocesan level, and is often called as a speaker at congresses.
