Avvocato iscritto presso l'Ordine professionale di Verona e mediatore familiare, ha sviluppato particolari competenze in diritto di famiglia, diritto minorile e sistemazioni del patrimonio familiare.
Da anni esercita in team interdisciplinari (con psicologi, psicoterapeuti
e consulenti fiscali) per offrire soluzioni idonee a risolvere ogni interesse, non solo economico, nelle fasi delicate della vita familiare.
Profession: Lawyer
Areas of expertise: Family and private law, Trusts, Family property settlements and assistance in generational transition.
Lawyer registered with the Professional Association of Verona, she is a family mediator and has developed particular skills in family law, juvenile law and family assets settlements.
For years, she has been collaborating with interdisciplinary teams (with psychologists, psychotherapists and tax consultants) to offer suitable solutions to resolve any interests, not only economic, in the delicate phases of family life.
Juristischer Beruf
Fachgebiete Familien- und Privatrecht, Trusts, Regelung von Familiennachlässen und Begleitung des Generationswechsels
Als in den Berufsverband eingeschriebene Rechtsanwältin und Familienmediatorin hat sie besondere Fähigkeiten im Familienrecht, Jugendrecht und der Regelung von Familienvermögen entwickelt.
Seit Jahren praktiziert sie in interdisziplinären Teams (mit Psychologen, Psychotherapeuten
und Steuerberater), um in den heiklen Phasen des Familienlebens geeignete Lösungen für alle Interessen, nicht nur wirtschaftliche, anzubieten.